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Amber Vet | Ultrasound


Led by Dr Brian Loon with regular experience in ultrasonography since 2009, our veterinarians regularly perform ultrasound studies of various organs both for our patients as well as those referred by other clinics.

Ultrasonography allows for a non-invasive detailed assessment of abdominal and heart structures, pregnancy diagnosis, as well as aid in fine needle aspirates and biopsies of organs/masses, such as those in the abdomen.

When an abdominal ultrasound are performed with the AmberCare Wellness Plans, the internal organs (such as the liver, kidney, spleen, etc) are thoroughly assessed for any abnormal growths or structural changes that may not be detectable on an external examination. Early detection can then lead to better management or cure of particular areas of concern. Common examples of senior pets saved by yearly AmberCare abdominal ultrasound exams include tumours in the spleen or liver that can be removed as an outpatient procedure before they cause life-threatening internal bleeding and/or further spread of the tumour is a malignant cancer.

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