Diagnostic Ultrasound

Professional Diagnostic ultrasound services for pets


At Amber Vet, we recognise that your pets are part of your family, and you strive to provide the best for them as you would to all your loved ones. Pets can't tell us when they are unwell, and it is common for pet owners to only realise a health problem in their pet when an early problem has progressed to a severe or late stage of disease.

In line with our aim to provide the best in preventative veterinary healthcare, AmberCare Health Screening is designed to provide comprehensive health plans for your furry loved one. By obtaining the necessary information about your pet's current health status, our veterinary team can provide the most appropriate holistic recommendations for the most suitable diet, lifestyle and/or supplements to help in optimising the length and quality of life.

AmberCare Health Screening is recommended every 6-12 months for dogs and cats aged 7 years and above, and once every 1-2 years for younger ones. Screening at a younger age allows vets to pick up any health issues that may be slowly brewing from a younger age, and also provide baseline values for what is normal for your pet (while there is an approximate reference range of normal values for these health indicators, every individual has a unique set of normal ranges), so a more valid comparison can be made with values obtained down the road.

AmberCare Health Screening is attractively priced to allow the most comprehensive health screening tests with savings of about 15-20% off normal rates. All plans are valid for 3 months upon purchase for completion of all diagnostics. Please see all terms and conditions attached.

Blood tests
Comprehensive / Wellness Biochemistry, SDMA, Electrolytes
Urine Sediment & Multisticks
Abdominal Ultrasound
Chest radiographs (3 views)

  1. AmberCare Screening Plans are only applicable as wellness checks for well/healthy pets;
  2. All diagnostics must be completed within 3 months from date of initial purchase. No refunds for uncompleted diagnostics;
  3. All diagnostic tests are non-transferable between pets;
  4. The owner is responsible for providing stool and urine samples. Fees apply for sample collection (e.g. cystocentesis);
  5. The Management reserves the rights to amend any terms or conditions as deemed necessary.

Titer Test, also known as VacciCheck, is an in-house blood test which assesses antibody levels against the core vaccination infectious viruses for pets.

For dogs:

  • Canine Distemper Virus (CDV)
  • Canine Parvo Virus (CPV)
  • Canine Hepatitis Virus (CHV)

For cats:

  • Feline Panleukopaenia Virus (FPV)
  • Feline Calici Virus (FCV)
  • Feline Herpes Virus (FHV)

This is recommended by the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) so that overdosing of vaccines can be avoided.

What is PennHIP?

PennHIP is a study to assess dogs and cats (from 16 weeks of age) for the risk of developing hip dysplasia with subsequent hip arthritis. PennHIP must be done with the animal under sedation to ensure that the thigh muscles are fully relaxed. This allows the full hip laxity for the pet to be properly assessed.

Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, Cocker Spaniels and Shetland Sheepdogs are the common dog breeds most at risk of developing hip dysplasia.

Maine Coon, Siamese and Persian breeds are the common cat breeds most predisposed to the condition.

Amber Vet is proud to be a pioneer practice that has made PennHIP accessible to Singapore pet parents since 2013. To find out more about PennHIP, For more information, please visit:

Endoscopy involves using special flexible or rigid "tubes" with a digital camera and light source to non-invasively examine various parts of the body to diagnose growths and tumours, inflammatory disease, remove foreign bodies/stones and obtain biopsy samples.

Equipped with various types and sizes of endoscopes, endoscopy is commonly used for the:

Gastrointestinal Tract (Oesophagus, stomach, intestines, colon)
Essential in all animals with chronic vomiting, diarrhoea/soft stools, blood in stools.

Nasal cavity
Essential in all animals with chronic sneezing, nasal discharge, nose bleeds, distortion of the nostrils/nose bridge, or abnormal upper respiratory breathing sounds.

Urinary tract (Urethra, bladder)
For animals with chronic urinary signs (e.g. straining to urinate, blood in urine), to aid in diagnosis and removal of stones, tumours and chronic UTI (including biopsy/culture).

Ear canals (Outer and middle ear, ear drum)
Essential in all animals with chronic/recurring ear infections to thoroughly flush out the ear canal, remove any foreign material that may be causing infection, and diagnose canal narrowing, tumours or other structural abnormalities.

Rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchillas
Dental and aural (ear) conditions. Find out more here.

Ultrasound is another diagnostic service available at Amber Vet where it provides the veterinarians the eye to visualise your pet's internal organs non-invasively.

Understand more about the usefulness of ultrasound.

X-ray is helpful to assist veterinarians in diagnosing problems such as foreign bodies, breathing and heart issues, and bone fractures in the in animal's body. This equipment is available at Amber Vet. It also comes with fluoroscopy function.

As animals cannot tell us what’s bothering them, veterinarians often rely on various diagnostic modalities to best diagnose and help our patients. Our diagnostic laboratory is fully equipped to provide immediate diagnostic information about your pet so that our veterinarians can provide the necessary care without unnecessary delays.

We calibrate and maintain our machines regularly according to manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure the accuracy of all results.

Our diagnostic laboratory facilities include:

  • Serum biochemistry
  • Haematology
  • Serum cortisol
  • Blood clotting function (PT, aPTT)
  • Parasite and infectious disease screen (e.g. heartworm, parvovirus, giardia, tick fever parasites, FeLV, FIV)
  • VacciCheck antibody titer test
  • Urine and Stool analysis, including the latest IDEXX SediVue urine sediment analyser using AI technology
Accurate Diagnoses and Comprehensive Pet Care
Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Expert Ultrasound Vet Services for Accurate Diagnoses and Comprehensive Pet Care

Amber Vet provides advanced diagnostic ultrasound services for pets, offering non-invasive, detailed internal examinations. 

Advanced Ultrasound Vet Diagnostics for Accurate Pet Care

At Amber Vet, we offer advanced diagnostic ultrasound services to ensure the health and well-being of your pets. Our state-of-the-art ultrasound technology allows our skilled ultrasound vets to perform non-invasive, detailed examinations, providing crucial insights into your pet’s internal health. Whether it’s for diagnosing conditions, monitoring pregnancy, or guiding treatment plans, our ultrasound services are a vital part of our comprehensive veterinary care. Trust Amber Vet for precise and compassionate diagnostic solutions to keep your beloved pets healthy and happy. 

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Ultrasound Advantages: Safe, Precise, and Efficient Diagnostic Solutions

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Non-Invasive and Painless:

No surgical incisions are required, ensuring a comfortable experience for your pet.

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Accurate and Detailed Imaging:

Provides precise images for accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans.

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Quick and Efficient:

Most procedures are completed within 30 to 60 minutes, minimizing stress for your pet.

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Safe and Risk-Free:

Uses sound waves instead of radiation, making it safe for pets of all ages and health conditions.

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Immediate Results:

Allows for quick interpretation and timely decisions regarding your pet’s care.

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Common Uses of Diagnostic Ultrasound

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Preparation and Procedure forUltrasound Vet Appointment

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Before the Scan:

Typically, no special preparation is needed, but fasting might be required for certain examinations.

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

During the Scan:

Your pet will lie comfortably while the veterinarian applies gel to the skin and moves a small probe over the area being examined.

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

After the Scan:

Results are reviewed immediately, and our veterinarians will discuss the findings with you and recommend any necessary treatment plans.

Ultrasound Vet Appointment
Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Signs Your Pet May Need an Ultrasound Vet Appointment

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

How to Prepare Your Pet for an Ultrasound Vet

Your Pet for an Ultrasound Vet
Diagnostic Ultrasound
Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Why Choose Amber Vet for Diagnostic Ultrasound?

Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound
Amber Vet|Diagnostic – Ultrasound

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, diagnostic ultrasound is a safe and non-invasive procedure with no known risks. It uses sound waves, which do not expose your pet to any harmful radiation. 

Most ultrasound scans take between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the examination and the area being examined. 

Sedation is rarely needed for ultrasounds. However, if your pet is particularly anxious or uncooperative, mild sedation may be recommended to ensure their comfort and the accuracy of the results. 

Our ultrasound vets typically review the ultrasound images immediately and discuss the findings with you during your visit. This allows for timely decisions regarding your pet’s care. 

Yes, ultrasound can help identify tumors, cysts, and other abnormal growths within your pet’s internal organs and tissues. It is a valuable tool for detecting and monitoring various conditions. 

Ultrasound can diagnose a wide range of conditions, including abdominal issues, heart diseases, pregnancy, and abnormalities in organs like the liver, kidneys, and spleen. 

After the ultrasound, you can generally resume your pet’s regular feeding schedule and activities unless otherwise advised by your ultrasound vet. Monitor your pet for any unusual behavior and contact your vet if you have any concerns. 

Ultrasound is a very safe procedure with no known risks or complications. It is non-invasive and does not cause any discomfort to your pet. 

The frequency of ultrasounds depends on your pet’s health condition and your veterinarian’s recommendations. Regular ultrasounds may be advised for pets with chronic conditions or those undergoing specific treatments.Â